Value chain


ACCIONA Cultura works to transfer its commitment to sustainability throughout its entire supply chain and among its clients through an internal risk management mechanism essentially articulated in three elements:

The PROCUR-e platform, an electronic purchasing tool that seeks to support supply chain management through the Supplier Portal and the Bidding Tool.
The Risk Map, a tool that allows supporting decision criteria in the purchasing function, including ESG parameters.
El Procedimiento de Homologación y Evaluación de Proveedores, donde se realiza un análisis completo de cada proveedor, a nivel de infraestructura, criterios ESG, solvencia y situación legal, entre otros.

Ethical principles for suppliers, contractors and collaborators, and ethical channel

ACCIONA Cultura understands the dissemination of the company's Ethical Principles to its supply chain as key to consolidating a network of suppliers, contractors and collaborators consistent with corporate values.These principles cover aspects of transparency and ethics, human and social rights, health and safety, and quality and environment.In addition, suppliers have two-way channels to raise questions about their commercial relationship with ACCIONA Cultura. Likewise, they can use the Ethics Channel available in different languages ​​to inform the company of any irregular practices detected and encourage its analysis.